February Newsletter
February Newsletter
Dear Fellow Hunters,
As in previous years, hereby I would like to inform the hunters in this short newsletter about our hunting opportunities and in recent months happened.
February is not the month of intensive hunting; I personally do not push the hunts in February. If I think about it, the wild boar time is in November, December and January, when the female deer species can be shot. After this time period, leave peace for the game. I do not find it good to hunt in February on those places, where intensive hunts conducted in the last 3 months.
Spring time slowly begins and starts the highly anticipated roe deer hunting! Professionals watch roebucks mornings and evenings on the lowlands areas. Question is raised: what will be this year’s trophy stacking? There is no meaningful explanation and the balance will show it….I admit. We cannot be smart about this subject, no matter what the winter, cold or hot, there are large discrepancies, if there is any relationship between the winter and trophy stacking. I believe that the most important task of professionals assessing and getting to know the location of bucks. With these they can prepare the hunting of our guests.
It is also true that in recent years the demands of Hungarian roe deer hunting are getting lower. You may search for reasons: hunting prices in neighbour countries are cheaper, trophy bucks can be found in all over Europe between 200-400g and can be hunt excellent; and the service is also extremely high.
But roebucks – either with quality over 500g – Hungarians still can hunt with guaranty.
But we organise hunting, where our guests receive the most outstanding services and we are in connection with many hunting areas, where quality stays before all else.
Dear Fellow Hunters! Anyone with questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me, I will try to answer in time.
Please, contact us for our special offers without any commitment, we will help and answer all your questions! Among the possibilities offered by the Internet, we use Facebook daily liaison:
If you do not mind this community site to use, please follow us there too! Between two newsletters short-winded news could be found there.
Please, check out our youtube link:
where you could find some short videos of our hunting and they bring you into their atmospheres.
With Warm Regards,
Viktor Péntek