May Newsletter
May Newsletter
I would like to shortly update you on our recent activities and inform you about the success of the roebuck hunts organised last month.
Although rain arrived late this spring, we experienced favourable conditions for hunting. Our customers were satisfied with the long-awaited roebuck hunts, and I can surely say the quality of the trophies met our expectations.
We started roebuck hunting on the Hungarian plains after 20 April, and continued till the first week of May. We were searching for the bucks by car, then approached them stalking. I consider stalking to be the nicest way of hunting, but on these vast plains it is impossible to see necessary amount of roebucks on foot.
As rains have arrived, nature exploded in green. The coverage now hampers hunting, which means less disturbance for the roebucks.
Of course, every season has its beauty and typical hunting method. At the end of May we prefer hunting from carefully placed high-stands that are positioned in a way to provide the best chance for seeing the roebucks in the area. In the early mornings or late afternoons wild boars are also often seen, which makes the hunting even more exciting and diverse.
It is an amazing experience to hunt roebucks in July and August, during their mating. Personally, this is my favourite time of hunting, which gives me unforgettable memories every year. If you would like to experience this, please let us know. I am sure we will find the best offer for you.
Looking further ahead in the year, September is the mating and hunting season of the red deer, while October is the time for the fallow deer hunts, and the mouflon hunts start in November. November is also the time for the wild boar drives, followed by the pheasant and hare hunts during the winter.
We are presenting some offers here; please have a look. If you have any questions, or if you feel like hunting with us, please contact us.
Dear Fellow Hunter,
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I’m trying my best to answer promptly.
Please, contact us and ask for our offers without any commitments! We are here to help you. Please, follow us on Facebook where we regularly post shorter updates and the latest news:
If you are interested in the special atmosphere of our hunts, please watch our short movies on
Best Regards,
Viktor Péntek