European hunting license:
Since 1995 every member of the European Union who would like to go abroad for a hunt has to have a European Hunting License. Please claim this license long before the start of your hunt and contact the local authorities regarding the subject.
Hungarian hunting license including insurance:
All guests who would like to come to Hungary for hunting have to have a Hungarian hunting license which our office issues for you. For this we need the number of your passport and the number of your European hunting license which need to be given to our office at the time of signing of the hunting contract, with the names of the participants.
When issuing the Hungarian hunting licence, at the same time we issue obligatory responsibility insurance for our hunters, the price of which is included in the price of the hunting licence.
You will have to keep the Hungarian hunting licence issued for you, including the insurance with you during the whole time period while you are in Hungary.
Bringing the weapon for hunt into Hungary
You certify the aim of your travel with an invitation letter issued for you by our office, sent to you 1 month prior your trip. You need to present this letter to the Hungarian custom authorities at the border of the country.
In the airport coming into Hungary, after the passport check and picking up your luggage you need to choose the red corridor that is where you can settle bringing in your weapon to the country.
After the passport- and weapon check, you have to report the weapon to the Hungarian custom officer.
This license must be presented when leaving Hungary and it must be left in the office of the border station where you cross the border. In case visitors fail to observe this regulation the Hungarian custom authorities will bring an action against them.
Our office does not organise plane tickets, this is always the task of the guest.
Usually 20 kg is the allowed weight of luggage. In case of heavier luggage the traveller has to pay a surcharge including taking the trophies home.
Trophy judgement and taking the trophy home:
In Hungary, hunters have to submit the following trophies for judgement: the antler of red deer stag, fallow deer stag and roe deer buck; the horn of moufflon ram; the tusk of wild boar if its average size exceeds 16 cm. Trophies have to be submitted for judgement within 30 days after the killing of the game. Taking out of the territory of Hungary the above mentioned trophies without trophy judgement is considered to be a crime.
If the time of the hunting of the game having a trophy does not allow the trophy judgement taking place before the departure of the hunter then he/she has to leave the trophy in Hungary for the judgement.
After the trophy judgement, according to a mutual agreement in a certain time and in a certain way we send you the trophy.
If you have such a hunter luck that you shoot a game with a trophy reaching the international IP point limits, in that case the trophy has to be submitted by the hunting authority to the ministry for further judging, in order to declare that the trophy is a national value.
Minimum IPs for those hunters has to submit the trophy for further judgement:
– red deer 240 IP
– fallow deer 200 IP
– moufflon 220 IP
– roe deer 170 IP
– wild boar 130 IP
The hunting authority certifies the submission, judgement and export of the trophy by providing a certification with the serial number of the identifier, a signature and a stamp.
The hunting authority marks the judged trophies (except tusks of wild boar) by drilling a hole into the base of the right antler. Trophy judgement certificate issued by the hunting authority must be provided when requested at the custom or to any authority authorized to inspect to origin of the trophy. If the hunters have hunting license the certification has to be noted in the personal bag list column of the hunting license.
Hunters need a permission from the hunting authorities to take the following trophies: antler of red deer stag, fallow deer stag and roe deer buck; the horn of moufflon ram; the tusk of wild boar (this permission is noted on the hunting license at the time of refereeing).
The hunters have to show this permission to the custom authority when they leave the country.
The hunting authority provides a medal and a certificate to the hunter if the quality of the trophy reaches the medal-threshold and the game was killed in the proper way.
The hunting authority provides a duplicate of trophy to the hunter in case the trophy is a national value. Then the ministry organises the display of the trophy.
When it is declared that the trophy is a national value the hunter may submit a claim for compensation. The maximum amount of the compensation is the fee paid by the hunter for the hunting contract.
Hungarian laws regarding hunting guns:
The game can be shot with hunting guns legally accepted only for hunting having a barrel at least 45 cm long.
It is legally allowed to hunt by hunting-bow in Hungary, however, for red deer, fallow deer, moufflon, roe deer and wild boar, the required lowest power limit of the bow is 222,7 Newton and the use of hunting edge is also required.
Small games can be hunted by only pellets shot from pellet guns. For hunting use the size of the pellet has have a diameter at least 2mm up to at most 4,5 mm big.
Big games can be hunted by only hunting gun using slugs except for wild boar which can be killed by bullets from pellet guns as well.
To our hunt able birds the hunter is allowed to shoot when the game is flying, to hare in run (except for the games wounded or sick, with limited ability of moving).
With the exception of wild boar and wounded big game, also females on driven hunts, it is allowed to shoot only big games standing.
Tools considered illegal for hunting in Hungary include:
– Self-filling, automatic bullet guns.
– Self-filling, semi-automatic pellet guns which has more than 3 bullets at one time.
– Rifles that are suitable for the use of ammunitions of 0,22 mm calibre and ammunition with less than 40 mm shell length.
– For red deer, fallow deer, roe deer and moufflon illegal tools include pellet guns with the exception of pellet guns that can shoot slugs.
– In case of hunting for red deer, fallow deer and moufflon ammunition with bigger energy at muzzle than 2500 Joule, in case of roe deer ammunition with smaller energy at muzzle than 1000 Joule.
– Silencer
– Electronic optical devices designed for night-time observation (e.g: infra-red telescope).
– Artificial scents and pheromones and live decoys to attract game
– Reflectors (except with the special permission of the hunting authority)
– Poisoned and explosive arrows
– Cross-bow
– Any tools that differ from the hunting-bow and arrow described above
Booking, payment:
After you accept our offer and book your hunting we send you a hunting contract in which we detail our contracting conditions. After both parties signed the contract, 30% of the full payment has to be paid as a deposit (exception: if it is stated otherwise in the offer). The rest of the amount has to be paid not later than 30 days before the start of the hunting.
The failure of the payment within the time stated can cause the cancellation of the booking by Elan Hunting S.r.o. in this case the deposit become out of date.
- In case you cancel your trip at least 60 days before the first day of your contracted hunt, the deposit is paid back except for the 100.- EUR service fee.
- In case you cancel your trip between 30-59 days before the first day of your contracted hunt, the de posit cannot be paid back.
- In case you cancel your trip 29 or fewer days before your contracted hunt, the total amount is still due to be paid.
Final payment:
The final settling of accounts is including in the further services used (games shot, trophy, etc.). The settlement is done before your departure, at a time discussed previously. This is usually in the evening before or in the morning of your departure.
The final financial settlement shall take place in our office or in the hunting territory on the basis of the filled in and signed Shooting Record.
We will make your invoice in EUR which can be paid after deducting the deposit in one of the following ways:
- cash
- bank transfer
Bank information:
Komárovce 106, 044 55 Komárovce, Slovenska Republika
Our bank details: Slovenska Sporitelna As, Tomásikova 48, 832 37 Bratislava
Bank account: SK 18 0900 0000 0050 2654 9379